CORE - Clerk Online Resource ePortal

Security Notice
The documents accepted into court files will be in PDF/A format as required by the Florida Supreme Court. Due to this, these documents may include embedded hyperlinks, which should be treated with the same caution as hyperlinks in any document or webpage, particularly those which link to external websites. The Clerk does not vet any hyperlinks, nor any embedded document intelligence elements, for accuracy, legality, or content, and is not liable for any damage caused by using such documents or hyperlinks.

Online Viewing of Court Records
Beginning in 2014, the Florida Supreme Court has issued a series of administrative orders allowing the public to view non-confidential court records via the internet, while simultaneously protecting confidential and sensitive information.

In accordance with the rules established by the Supreme Court, an individual's viewing permissions are governed by the role of the particular user, the type of case, the nature of the specific court document, and the nature of the information contained within that court document. A copy of these rules and the Security Matrix that describes the varying access levels can be found by visiting the Clerk’s court records page.

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We are required to present this captcha challenge pursuant to a directive issued by the Florida Court Technology Commission regarding the implementation of Florida State Supreme Court Administrative Order 2014-19.
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This record is not immediately available to view and requires approval. Press "OK" to submit this request, or cancel to abort it.
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The document you have requested is over 50 pages. Such requests may require additional services for review and approval.
The document you have requested is over 500 pages. Such requests may require extensive services for review and approval.

Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. This agency is a public entity and is subject to Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, concerning public records. Electronic communications are covered under such laws and therefore anything sent or received on this entity's computer system, including your e-mail address, may be disclosed upon request.